"I feel like I’ve been put on this Earth to try and make a difference in people that have differences"
I'm a Teacher, a Musician, and an Athlete. I'm also a Little Person.
Every 4 years, the World Dwarf Games brings together little people from all over the world to compete in 14 different sports. And this year, I'm going!
Competing in the WDG means two core things to me:
- I get to participate in a world-wide event with the dwarf community.
Supporting this community only means that it grows stronger. And as the community of Little People grows stronger, we can better educate everyone about dwarfism and promote tolerance, understanding, and respect for all little people.
- I bring home a story for my students and teammates.
I teach and coach 3-5 year-olds. Each day I'm with them, I teach them about differences and, most importantly, they teach me about understanding.
I'll be competing in four different events: Basketball, Badminton, Bocce Ball, and (the main event) Soccer.
All athletes must cover their own transportation and housing expeses and here's where I need your help! Any contribution would be significant—from gas money, to a hotel room, to a bottle of Gatorade, it all adds up.
As a thank-you, I'll send a personal thank-you postcard from the road or a photo of my team.
Tell your friends!! The games are only two weeks away and we've got to spread the word!
Here's a link to a report aired on Austin's FM Radio Station, 90.5 KUT, that tells more about my story: http://kutnews.org/post/meet-austin-athlete-competing-world-dwarf-games
And follow along on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WorldDwarfGames2013
all images by Jorge Sanhueza-Lyon, KUT News