The Germ Free Bee Airplane Seat Cover & Blanket
What is the Germ Free Bee and How does it work?
The Germ Free Bee is a Personal, Customized Airplane Seat
Cover that wraps around the seat’s headrest like a fitted bed sheet and drapes
over the seat with wings to serve as a blanket. The Germ Free Bee is made of
high-quality material and is 100 % washable.
The Germ Free Bee not only shields travelers
from the previous passenger but it also serves as a Personalized Blanket/Wrap.
Have you ever wondered HOW MANY have sat there before YOU?!?
Airline tickets go up and baggage fees skyrocket but Airplane
Seats get smaller AND Definitely Not Cleaner. Airlines
claim to clean the plane after each flight but study after study shows that airplanes and airplane seats are filthy and covered in germs.
There is a lack of provided blankets on airplanes and there is NO
accountability on whether or not they reuse the blankets. You pay Hundreds of Dollars for your flight so you deserve to be clean and comfortable!
Why IndieGoGo Crowd Funding?
I am asking for YOUR help to raise enough funds for my first round of production (fabric purchasing, cutting, production, manufacturing, etc..).
The Trademark is approved, the Patent Application is submitted, the Fabric is chosen, the Factory is located in the United States and the Prototype is made. I have been working on this concept for the last 2 years and I am very excited to launch!
Germ Free Bee Supports Our United States Service Members
When you purhcase the BEEGrateful-Support OUR Troops package and EVERY package following, a United States Service Member will also receive a Germ Free Bee for their return home from service. Also, when the Germ Free Bee goes into full production, a portion of the proceeds will go to a Military Non-Profit Organization that helps with the travel needs of OUR Military and their Families.
Check Out Our Amazing Campaign Perks!!!
Spa Packages from the Spa on Rodeo
Germ Free Bees for our United States Service Members
Every Germ Free Bee comes with a Convenient Travel Bag!
UnBEElievable T-Shirts by DILASCIA
Visit our Website
Thank you for your support!!!
-yale scott
AND you can also take it to the Movies...
I would like to Thank the following people for their Love & Support with the GFB!
Adam, AJ, Anthony, Ben, Bebe, Billy, Bobby, Bridget, David, Davis, Devin, Gino, James, Jason, Jenny, Joey, Josue, Justin, Max, Michael C, Mike P, Mike & Wendy R, Robert, Sergio, Suki, Talaat & Air Hollywood!
Can I wash my Germ Free Bee? YES - 100% Washable
Is there a refund policy? YES - 30 Days
Can I take it to the Movies? YES!
Please share the Germ Free Bee with your Friends & Family!