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XBAND: World's Smallest Bluetooth Sensor Computer

The World's smallest configurable Bluetooth LE sensor module with antenna. for only 6 x 18 mm.

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XBAND: World's Smallest Bluetooth Sensor Computer

XBAND: World's Smallest Bluetooth Sensor Computer

XBAND: World's Smallest Bluetooth Sensor Computer

XBAND: World's Smallest Bluetooth Sensor Computer

XBAND: World's Smallest Bluetooth Sensor Computer

The World's smallest configurable Bluetooth LE sensor module with antenna. for only 6 x 18 mm.

The World's smallest configurable Bluetooth LE sensor module with antenna. for only 6 x 18 mm.

The World's smallest configurable Bluetooth LE sensor module with antenna. for only 6 x 18 mm.

The World's smallest configurable Bluetooth LE sensor module with antenna. for only 6 x 18 mm.

Jerry Gao
Jerry Gao
Jerry Gao
Jerry Gao
1 Campaign |
Mountain View, United States
$2,319 USD 54 backers
46% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

What is XBAND?

XBAND is the world smallest Bluetooth Low Energy (aka BLE) module with a onboard InvenSense 6-axis MPU6500 motion sensor and high gain ceramic chip antenna, plus a additional configurable sensor,  all in one 6mm x 18mm  package.



Maker's Dilemma 

small is beautiful

flexible for your idea

Nordic nRF51822 core

  • ARM Cortex-M0 32-bit SoC at 16MHz
  • Ultra low power consumption
  • 256 KB Flash, 16 KB RAM
  • BLE Peripheral role
  • BLE Central role (will be available later by software update)
  • GPIO pins reconfigurable (I2C, SPI, UART, Input, Output, Analog, PWM)
  • J-Link SWD interface

Cypress PSOC4 BLE core (NEW)

  • ARM Cortex-M0 32-bit SoC at 48MHz
  • Ultra low power consumption
  • 128 KB Flash, 16 KB RAM
  • BLE Peripheral role
  • BLE Central role (will be available later by software update)
  • GPIO pins reconfigurable (I2C, SPI, UART, Input, Output, Analog, PWM)
  • SWD interface


Development Platforms & Libraries

  • XBAND nRF51822 library for Arduino IDE
  • mbed online IDE and mbed BLE API
  • Nordic BLE SDK for Keil and GCC
  • Cypress PSoC Creator 3.1 

Over-The-Air Device Firmware Upgrade (OTA-DFU)

  • This feature allows application, protocol stack or, application and protocol stack to be updated wireless, over the air
  • OTA-DFU can be initiated from a Bluetooth Smart Ready mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet, or from another internet-enabled device such as a Bluetooth Smart Ready PC

Nordic nRF Sniffer

  • Near real-time display of Bluetooth Smart packets
  • Powerful display filers and search available through Wireshark
  • Learn more about BLE and debug your application using the nRF Sniffer

XBAND nRF51822 Library for Arduino

Users can develop nRF51822's firmware through Arduino IDE with our nRF51822 library and define their own BLE Services & Characteristics within the sketch

We develop our board and bootloader to be fully integrated with Arduino programming environment; users could compile and upload their sketches to our boards from Arduino IDE through USB seamlessly as if they are working with an actual Arduino board

Sample sketches

  • iBeacon
  • BLE Controller
  • Simple Chat
  • Simple Control
  • BLE_HeartRate
  • BLE HID (Human Interface Device)

works with opensource prototyping

mbed Support

alt text

Our module are running ARM Cortex-M0 and support the 
mbed online platform and the 
mbed Bluetooth LE API.

Please visit our product page on mbed

Cordova Plugin Support

What can You DO with XBAND?

1. Wireless a USB device such as printer, scanner, keyboard, camera and etc.

2. A remote control robot with camera.

3. A wearable device.

4. A wireless smart light bulb.

5. An ibeacon device.

6. Smart Phone to control Arduino remotely.


And many many possibilities, awaiting discovery!

iBeacon Support

Currently we have test it and works both on IOS 7+ and Android 4.4+ devices
Testing Software: Locate
Compatibility List:
Radius Network 2F234454
Apple AirLocate E2C56DB5
RedBear Labs AFFFFFF
Estimote B9407F30
 and our ZXTEK XNode ( Prox UUID Customisable)
 PS: For our iBeacon device,  Minor, Major value is dynamically rewrite-able !!

What will You Get?

You will get a XBAND module, plus printed full datasheet, and examples how to use the module. We are here to help you get any projects started!

The Life of XBAND

2014. 06
initial idea. market study
2014. 08
first prototype, PCB and SMT reflow
2014. 10
demo with projects

project demos with XBAND

XBAND in consumer product 
2015. 01
beta version sampled
2015. 03
indiegogo campaign started

Thank you All for the interest! 

XBAND Needs Your Help

The mass production of these modules is cheap if we can have a large volume. typically 5000 to 10000 units per manufacturing run.


Why Flexible Funding ?

we believe every support is the greatest pledge to us and we will deliver the product regardless the  result of the campaign.  

Let's Make it Happen!

we would love to see people get hands on a module like this and start building their IoT projects. Only mass production will lower its cost. XBAND needs your help.

PS: Please read update part for more information, such as shipping, news, etc.

Legal Disclaimer

"Delivery of rewards/perks are subject to best efforts and not guaranteed." 

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Choose your Perk

XBAND Supporter

$1 USD
like the concept? We appreciate the love! Thank you for helping us get closer to living our dream. Now join us on our journey with behind-the-scenes updates and exclusive news.
1 claimed


$10 USD
Congrats! Early birds do get the worm. Be the first on the block to receive a XBAND when the first shipments are available. (Estimated retail $25)
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
17 out of 500 of claimed

XBAND Maker Edition

$15 USD
XBAND + Arduino Shield : You'll receive one XBAND Module mounted on a standard Arduino UNO shield. shield's pcb file will be downloadable from our website (Estimated retail $30)
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
12 claimed

XBAND IOT simple Edition

$25 USD
TWO XBAND + Arduino Shield : You'll receive two XBAND Module mounted on a standard Arduino UNO shield. shield's pcb file will be downloadable from our website (Estimated retail $50)
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
7 claimed

XBAND IOT Standard Edition

$35 USD
THREE XBAND + Arduino Shield : You'll receive three XBAND Module mounted on a standard Arduino UNO shield. shield's pcb file will be downloadable from our website (Estimated retail $60)
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
6 claimed

XBAND IOT Advanced Edition

$55 USD
FIVE XBAND + Arduino Shield : You'll receive five XBAND Module mounted on a standard Arduino UNO shield. shield's pcb file will be downloadable from our website (Estimated retail $100)
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
7 claimed

XBAND IOT Pro Edition

$99 USD
TEN XBAND + Arduino Shield : You'll receive ten XBAND Module mounted on a standard Arduino UNO shield. shield's pcb file will be downloadable from our website (Estimated retail $200)
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
2 claimed

XBAND Developer

$999 USD
Developer PACK: As an developer backer, you'll receive exclusive access to the XBAND module PCB files, Bluetooth APIs, and are invited to join us in ShenZhen for collaboration. Features, 3rd party app integration, customization—give us your ideas! (Subject to approval: email, travel not included) And of course, receive your own XBAND (with a special surprise).
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
1 out of 10 of claimed


$5,000 USD
XBAND PARTNER: If you would like to participate in the future of XBAND and introduce XBAND locally, here is your chance! Contact us at for more information.
Estimated Shipping
June 2015
0 claimed

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