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Xtreme Rollers

Xtreme Rollers are the latest in compact full body, strength building, fat burning, core stabilizing exercise equipment to be developed.

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Xtreme Rollers

Xtreme Rollers

Xtreme Rollers

Xtreme Rollers

Xtreme Rollers

Xtreme Rollers are the latest in compact full body, strength building, fat burning, core stabilizing exercise equipment to be developed.

Xtreme Rollers are the latest in compact full body, strength building, fat burning, core stabilizing exercise equipment to be developed.

Xtreme Rollers are the latest in compact full body, strength building, fat burning, core stabilizing exercise equipment to be developed.

Xtreme Rollers are the latest in compact full body, strength building, fat burning, core stabilizing exercise equipment to be developed.

John Santoliquido
John Santoliquido
John Santoliquido
John Santoliquido
2 Campaigns |
Los Angeles, United States
$368 USD 4 backers
0% of $50,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Full body portable exercise equipment that actually works.  

About Us
Christian Blaha the inventor of Xtreme Rollers, partnered with Manny Tafoya and John Santoliquido to bring to market his dream of a fluid full range of natural motion home exercise product. With years of exercise background, knowledge of the industry and unsurpassed drive, these three partners vision of one compact, affordable, full body exercise product has become a reality.
After multiple years of design changes, engineering updates and manufacturing issues, we have finally reached our goal to launch and bring Xtreme Rollers to market.







    •    International patent pending
    •    Order is in route from China
    •    Initial order placed.

A Little About the Xtreme Rollers Design:
We used the patented 9 omnidiresctional wheel design to make movements smooth and fluid while creating a stable surface for your body at all times. The 2 handed design frees up your arms and allows for full range-of-motion exercises usually only found in sports like rock climbing, swimming and yoga. Build strong flexible muscles while getting ripped abs.
With a quick click of the handle the inner strap and knee pad are revealed for lower body exercises. Tone glutes and legs while creating a lean sexy core at the same time.

What is included in the Xtreme Rollers retail package?
1 Pair of Xtreme Rollers, Instruction DVD, Knee Pad and Carry Bag.

What type of exercises can be performed with Xtreme Rollers?
The list would be too long to write them all down. Any exercise that can be done with a cable system, including yoga and pilates movements.

Where can Xtreme Rollers be used?
The robust design allows the Xtreme Rollers to be used on most surfaces including low pile carpet. A smooth clean surface works the best and some caution should be taken on hard wood floors.

Retail Box



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Choose your Perk

Xtreme Rollers Kit

$159 USD
Be the first to receive a pair of Xtreme Rollers including knee pad, travel bag and instructional DVD. Save 20% if you buy a pair now. Instead of $199, you can own it for only $159! Add $20 to ship outside the US
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
2 out of 500 of claimed

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