The Art Book
I have been a horror fan all my life and I’ve always wanted to create a terrifying horror world of my own. Being an artist working in the game industry, it was natural for me to approach the project with a sketchbook first. A simple sketch became a painting, a page of story became six months worth of writing...the moment I thought I was done with everything, a new idea had me opening my sketchbook again. After so many sketchbooks and bottles of Bushmills, in late 2017 I finally put my foot down and told myself that I’m going to have my closure on the project by making an art book out of it. The art of Year Of The Ladybug omits a few things but it holds large amount of visions I had for this world I created. With your love and support, it is my sincere belief that we can finish this book so that we are one step closer to the game. I had so much fun working on it, and I hope that you will love it as much as I do.
The Impact
- This book is for both horror fans and art lovers.
- There are many types of fear yet the game industry relies so heavily on jump scares and darkness. This is my way of exploring the other side of horror.
- I will use this book as the official pitch to contact developers.
Risks & Challenges
The tricky thing about making an art book for a game that doesn’t exist is deciding on what to share and what not to. Since most art books are read and appreciated after finishing the game, not spoiling the story was an obvious choice but how much of the visuals do you share when you are both trying to get people interested and hoping to see the game in future? I did what I can do to balance it and I hope that you will find this book amusing enough until we have the game.
Other Ways You Can Help
You certainly don't have to buy the book to support the project. If you believe in this project, please share it with someone who may want to be involved. Let's get the word out and make some noise about this campaign!
A Special Thanks
The project was first announced in 2016 (link) and I've been blessed with tremendous amount of love and support from horror fans around the world, especially from Japan and Korea. I cannot thank you guys enough.
私は昔からホラーファンで、いつか身の毛がよだつような自分のホラーゲームを作りたいと思っています。ゲーム業界でアーティストとして働いているので、私にとってスケッチブックからこのプロジェクトに取り組むことは自然なことでした。シンプルなスケッチが絵になり、1ページのストーリが、6か月分の膨大なストーリーになり...すべて終わったと思った瞬間に新しいアイデアが浮かび、またスケッチブックを開いていました。沢山のアイデアが詰まったスケッチブックが積み重なり、空のBushmills(ウイスキーの種類)のボトㇽも増えてきた2017年の下旬に、私はついに区切りをつけ、このYOTLゲーム化のプロジェクトを終わらせ、アートブックを作ろうと決意しました。YOTLのアートはゲームの全てではありませんが、自分が作り上げたホラーの世界の構想の大きな部分です。ゲーム化へまた一歩近づけるように、 あなたの愛とサポートのおかげでこのアートブックを完成させることができたと心から信じています。このアートブックを作るのは本当に楽しい作業でした。そして私と同じように、あなたがこの本をとても気に入ってくれると嬉しいです。
안녕하세요. 이어오브더레이디버그 작가 데이브캥입니다. 먼저 게임 소식이 아니라는 점, 기대 하셨던 분들께 죄송합니다. 2015년 프로잭트를 시작했을때 2가지 목표가 있었습니다. 어설픈 스토리와 갑툭튀에 반항하는 게임 아이디어를 만들자, 그리고 그것을 아트북으로 만들어서 세상에 공개하자. 그렇게 신나서 열심히 아트북을 작업하던 중 제가 활동했던 커뮤니티에 몇장의 그림을 올려보았고 그것을 본 어느 일본인의 트위터 글로 갑작스래 이어오브더레이디버그가 게임으로 만들어 진다는 기사가 뜨게 되었죠. 기사는 북미와 한국에도 퍼지기 시작했고 저는 고민 하였습니다. 비지니스는 책이 완성이 되면 생각해 보려 했는데 게임을 기다리는 팬분들이 늘어나면서 기회 놓치지 말고 게임으로 바로 발전 시켜보자 라는 생각으로 1년동안 머리를 싸매었죠. 지금 생각해 보면 참 불필요한 고민으로 시간을 낭비 했습니다. 직장생활 하면서, 남편으로 아빠로 살면서, 시간 쪼개어 취미생활로 시작했던 그 즐거웠던 프로잭트로 스트레스를 받는다는거 바람직 하지 못했기 때문이죠. 작년 말 에서야 정신 차리고 원래 계획이였던 아트북 작업을 다시 시작하였고 이제 거의 다 완성 하였습니다. 완성된 책으로 개발자를 찾아볼까 합니다. 제가 직접 개발 하기에는 회사에서 아트디렉터로서, 집에서는 가장으로서 해야할 일이 참 많습니다. 이 크라우드펀딩 캠페인은 아트북을 원하시는 분 들을 위해서 시작합니다. 늘 응원해 주셔서 감사합니다.