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YEG Fitness Print Edition

Its time to grow. You love our digital magazine. Help us reach more readers with a print source.

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YEG Fitness Print Edition

YEG Fitness Print Edition

YEG Fitness Print Edition

YEG Fitness Print Edition

YEG Fitness Print Edition

Its time to grow. You love our digital magazine. Help us reach more readers with a print source.

Its time to grow. You love our digital magazine. Help us reach more readers with a print source.

Its time to grow. You love our digital magazine. Help us reach more readers with a print source.

Its time to grow. You love our digital magazine. Help us reach more readers with a print source.

TJ Sadler
TJ Sadler
TJ Sadler
TJ Sadler
2 Campaigns |
Edmonton, Canada
$107 USD $107 USD 6 backers
3% of $3,463 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Short Summary

You've been following us on social media for nearly 3 years and read our digital magazine for the past 12 months. You've enjoyed the local spin we provide on everything health and fitness related in the Edmonton area. Now it's time to grow. 

YEG Fitness has been the source for health and fitness related content connecting readers with local businesses that provide great products and services. We're not going to be changing that. We're just going to make the experience better. 

We've listened to our readers over the past 12 months and now it's time to act. Many of you enjoy the digital format of the magazine for it's ease of use and option to be able to take it with you on your smart phone or tablet. But many of our readers mentioned that they still like the feel of holding a magazine in their hands. It's time to act on that request. 

By contributing to our campaign, you will be helping us launch our first print edition in time for a January launch. We have lofty goals to get YEG Fitness into studios, apparel and nutrition stores and therapist offices to continue to showcase all that is wellness in Edmonton. Your funds will be used to help offset costs of creating a print source. Digital is inexpensive to create other than the time invested in the design. Print has higher overhead. 

What We Need & What You Get

We will be using the funds obtained in this campaign to help develop the first edition so that we can use the advertising revenue from the first edition to support the development of the next edition. We hope to launch our first print edition with 2500 copies which has a cost of just over $5000. 

We have spent the past four months researching different print options and will be creating a high quality magazine using a local printer. We believe in supporting the local community and while we could have sourced the magazine overseas for a lower cost, we want to continue making this a locally developed project. 

In addition to the Indiegogo campaign, we will be hosting a launch party to celebrate the first edition. Funds from this event will be used to develop future editions of the magazine. 

We've created a number of great connections in the fitness and wellness communities over the past three years and have secured some great PERKS for contributors. Fitness passes, apparel, and nutrition products and services are just some of the PERKS available. For business owners, we're also offering some discounted pricing on our ad rates as a thank you for helping us launch this next stage of YEG Fitness. 

We've set a modest goal of $5000 for this campaign. The more we raise, the better the product and the greater reach we will have. If we raise over the $5000, we will print and distribute more magazines to expand our reach. If we receive less (which hopefully doesn't happen), we have a plan that will still allow us to release the January edition using the funds collected. 

The Impact

By supporting this project, you will be allowing us to reach more Edmontonians to show them how to lead a healthier lifestyle and some of the local businesses that they can use to achieve their own form of personal wellness. We have never been about showing fitness as a certain body shape or size. We are all about creating a lifestyle where fitness and wellness go hand in hand and that fitness has a different meaning for everyone. 

We love hearing from our readers over the past three years about how we've offered them an avenue to better themselves physically and mentally. How we've shown them options and services in the Edmonton area that they didn't know existed. We've heard from businesses who have grown over that time because of their involvement with YEG Fitness. But all of this wouldn't have been possible without our readers and followers on social media. 

Other Ways You Can Help

We don't charge for our magazine. We never have. We never will. It will be available for free at studios and wellness locations throughout the Edmonton area. Health and fitness doesn't always have to have a cost associated with it and we feel that by providing a free source of information, we can help people find their now level of personal fitness and wellness regardless of the financial abilities. 

If you are unable to help us financially, please help us by spreading the word about our project through your social media channels. As a bonus, the person who helps us spread the word the most using the built in Indiegogo channels will get a double pass to our launch party. 

Once the magazine launches in January, let us know what you think. We're always aiming to improve our product and appreciate the feedback whether good or bad. It's all valued. 

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

First Edition Of YEG Fitness

Currency Conversion $3 USD
$5 CAD
We'll mail you our first edition right to your door. Includes shipping cost.
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships to Canada

Supporter Feature

Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
Your name or business name in our supporters profile page on our website celebrating the event and thanking those who helped us reach our goal of taking the next step in the evolution of YEG Fitness.
1 out of 50 of claimed

YEGFit Savings Card

Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
Our YEGFit Savings Card offers great discounts at dozens of local fitness and wellness businesses. Up to 50% off products and services for a full year. Saves $5 off our regular price.
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships to Canada

YEGFit Pass

Currency Conversion $14 USD
$20 CAD
Our YEGFit Pass offers users get a 1x visit to 10 Edmonton area studios during a 2 month period. We change it up every 2 months to offer different experiences each time. You will be able to claim your pass within 6 months of purchasing. Saves $5 off our regular price.
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships to Canada

Invite To Launch Party

Currency Conversion $17 USD
$25 CAD
Join us for the launch of our print magazine. We'll be hosting the event at a local watering hole with some healthy snacks for our guests to help us celebrate. Includes a copy of the print edition of YEG Fitness.
2 out of 150 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

1 Year Subscription

Currency Conversion $21 USD
$30 CAD
1 Year Subscription to YEG Fitness magazine.
2 out of 200 of claimed
Ships to Canada

Social Media Campaign

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
We'll send out 10 messages across our social media platforms to help promote your event or business. You let us know what you'd like us to say and we'll set it up to share with our 12,000 twitter followers. Save $25 off our regular price.
0 out of 10 of claimed

Feature on YEG Fitness Website

Currency Conversion $69 USD
$100 CAD
We'll post a 1 month feature on your business or upcoming event on YEG Fitness. This includes weekly shoutouts on social media to promote. Save $25 off our regular price.
0 out of 10 of claimed

Feature in YEG Fitness

Currency Conversion $69 USD
$100 CAD
We're featuring a local person in each edition and telling their story of fitness and wellness. Want to tell your story to our readers? This is your sure way to get featured in the pages of YEG Fitness.
0 out of 6 of claimed

Minor Sponsor Of Launch Party

Currency Conversion $173 USD
$250 CAD
Minor sponsor of our launch party. Social media mentions and business name on all promotional material for the event and website. We expect to have 200+ people at the launch event and have 28,000+ unique visitors to our website monthly.
0 out of 10 of claimed

Chef's Table at Earls 170st

Currency Conversion $173 USD
$250 CAD
We've got the Chef's Table at Earls on 170st booked for up to 4 people. Food and some bevies are included. Come join the YEGFit Team for a great night.
0 out of 1 of claimed

1/4 Page Ad in YEG Fitness

Currency Conversion $242 USD
$350 CAD
A 1/4 page ad in the first edition of YEG Fitness. Saves $55 off our regular price. Only valid in the January edition. Artwork must be received prior to Nov 1, 2015.
0 out of 10 of claimed

Major Sponsor Of Launch Party

Currency Conversion $346 USD
$500 CAD
Major sponsor of our launch party. Logo on all promotional material, website, social media mentions and banner space. We expect to have 200+ people at our launch party as well as our 28,000+ unique visits to our website monthly.
0 out of 4 of claimed

Couples Personal Training

Currency Conversion $381 USD
$550 CAD
Personal training for you and a friend for a month at SVPT Fitness. 2X per week partner training from one of the top studios in Edmonton will be sure to get you moving towards your fitness goals. We're even throwing in a feature article in a future edition of YEG Fitness on your progress. Valued at $760.
0 out of 1 of claimed

1/2 Page Ad in YEG Fitness

Currency Conversion $485 USD
$700 CAD
A 1/2 Page ad in the Launch Edition of YEG Fitness. Saves $50 off our regular price. Only valid in the January edition. Artwork must be received prior to Nov 1, 2015.
0 out of 10 of claimed

Full Page Ad in YEG Fitness

Currency Conversion $623 USD
$900 CAD
A full page ad in our launch edition of YEG Fitness. Saves $65 off our regular price. Only valid in the January edition. Artwork must be received prior to Nov 1, 2015.
0 out of 10 of claimed

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