Short Summary
My name is Clark Davis and I am a young filmmaker living in Hawaii. I am a Brigham Young University alumni and I've been working on this script for the past few years. My background is in cinematography and directing but I've served in lots of different production roles. I've worked on large film/TV sets but also independent and student projects.
"You Can Run" is a powerful story about a man trapped on a strange, jungle island. Mark led a team of researchers to this mysterious place but there is more to here than meets the eye. Mark must come to terms with what has happened to his team and himself before he can return home.
The story runs parallel with a real life fear. We are all, in one way or another, running from something. We must face our fears to move on, even when the blame may rest upon our own shoulders. I've dealt with this fear personally and I hope that this film helps someone out there not feel so alone.
With a little bit of help, we can bring this story to life. You can be a part of making a powerful narrative into a reality.
What We Need & What You Get
We need at least $5,000 to make this film. Location fees at Kualoa Ranch are substantial but totally worth it. I've done the math and $5,000 is the least amount we can raise to realistically make this film. We'd love to raise more so don't hold back. Funds will also go to equipment rental and actors but the majority are going towards securing one of the greatest locations in the world!
BUT DO NOT WORRY! Your generosity will not go unrewarded.
Alright folks, here's the breakdown:
- If you contribute $10, you've earned yourself a crisp high five and a shout out on social media (Instagram, Facebook).
- $20 will get you a Special Thank You. You'll be listed in the credits of the film
- $50: Digital Copy of “You Can Run” plus a movie poster, signed by the cast and crew.
- $100: Date Night Premiere Tickets. If you donate a "C-note", then you've earned yourself two tickets to the premiere (Dates TBD). Popcorn on us.
- $250: Set Visit A. Want to see a movie get made? Join this reward group to meet all of us, cast and crew. We'll even let you slate! (Dates TBD)
- $300: Set Visit B. Ever wanted to explore Kualoa Ranch? Well, now is you chance! Earn this reward and come hang with us in the jungle. Lunch included. (Dates TBD)
- $500: Featured Extra. We are looking for 4 extras to be featured in the film! Not only will you get to hang out at Kualoa Ranch with us but you'll get to have wardrobe and makeup!
- $1000: True Friend. Wow. This would mean the world to the production. If someone is this generous, my wife and I will take you out to dinner. You'll get Executive Producer credit in the film. Plus, you can come hang out with us on set, either set.
FOR LOCAL BUSINESSES: If you contribute $500, I will produce and shoot a 30-60 second commercial for not only unlimited use by you but I will also display it during the premiere event for the short film. Your company will also be listed in the credits of the film, which will be available on Amazon Video.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't help:
- Please get the word out and make some noise about your campaign.
- Share the campaign with your friends and family.
- Post about "You Can Run" on social media and challenge others to contribute.
- Secret prizes for those who shares on social media create the most traffic on our campaign.
Mahalo and vi ses!