Short Summary
During the summer of 2014, I had this amazing opportunity to visit Cape Town, South Africa for the first time. My sister and I decided to volunteer at the Desmond Tutu HIV AIDS Youth Center. Before we went there, I didn't quite know what to expect or what exactly we were supposed to be doing. The first couple of days were bit awkward as we were new, from another country and did not know the youth/kids and the staff that were there. We did many odd jobs around the center; we helped out in the technology room, the vegetable garden, and kitchen. But my favorite part of the day was that once the work was finished, I got to play soccer with all the kids for hours together! They loved the game and played with no shoes or gear in the dirt courtyard with a big smile on their faces. The kids at the Center were from HIV AIDS affected families from the Masiphumelele Township, a shanty town next door. They all came from very poor families. The effects of the disease was all around us, and it was very sad. But you would never guess that if you met these kids. In spite of their circumstances, these were some of the happiest kids I have ever met. It made me realize how much I had to be thankful for, living in USA and the environment I was growing up in and everything I had. Even though the kids and I were from completely different worlds, the one thing we had in common was our passion for soccer!! Soccer instantly "connected" me to the kids, and we became friends! As I was finishing my volunteer project, I gave my green soccer ball to the kids. Just that one simple act made the kids so ecstatic and happy. It really touched me. I decided I need to do more for them. They deserve so much more than what they have. I am going back this summer to volunteer there, and I want take funds to buy soccer balls and gear for all of them! So I need to raise funds!
Please watch the video above, and I would be very thankful if you could support me
What We Need
There are close to about 100 kids that the Youth Center supports. My goal is to get each one a pair of soccer shoes (cleats), socks and clothes. The cost is approximately $ 100 per kid. So 100 x $100.00 is about $10,000. Any funds left over will be used to buy balls and soccer equipment. My goal is to raise $10K for this initiative.
The Impact
These kids don't have much going for them. The Youth Center is one place where they come to play and spend some time being happy in an otherwise depressing environment. If a simple soccer ball could lift their spirits, imagine what some spanking new soccer gear will do for them!
I wish I could offer some incentives for your contributions, but that would only take away from what I can give these kids.
Other Ways You Can Help
I sincerely hope to achieve my fund raising goal of 11K (including costs and fees). If I'm able to raise more than that, I'd like to convert their gravel patch into a usable soccer field. So please continue to donate even if the initial target has been reached.
Thank you very much!
Nikhil Swaminathan -Junior at Walter Johnson High School, Bethesda MD USA.