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Yukon Artists at Work moves downtown

Help Yukon Artists at Work (YA@W) move downtown. More funding makes a bigger new beginning!

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Yukon Artists at Work moves downtown

Yukon Artists at Work moves downtown

Yukon Artists at Work moves downtown

Yukon Artists at Work moves downtown

Yukon Artists at Work moves downtown

Help Yukon Artists at Work (YA@W) move downtown. More funding makes a bigger new beginning!

Help Yukon Artists at Work (YA@W) move downtown. More funding makes a bigger new beginning!

Help Yukon Artists at Work (YA@W) move downtown. More funding makes a bigger new beginning!

Help Yukon Artists at Work (YA@W) move downtown. More funding makes a bigger new beginning!

Leslie Leong
Leslie Leong
Leslie Leong
Leslie Leong
1 Campaign |
Whitehorse, Canada
$12,049 USD $12,049 USD 68 backers
155% of $7,760 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, Art

UP-DATE:January 7th, 12 hours left

We'll have a set of art cards for the person that breaks the $17,000 mark. And the last contributor gets a Daphne Mennell Gilclee Print!

UP-DATE: December 30th, 2014  - 9 days left

Thank you! We're nearly at $16,000. Help us  reach our stretch goal of $20,000 with whatever is comfortable for you and/or share this request with your e-mail network, on Facebook or other ways of sharing in your community.

Based on quotes recently received from local businesses, we have enough to cover the furnace replacement including the new chimney insert and ducting required. And we can cover some of the renovations required for the second washroom.  We'd love to avoid a bank loan for the balance of the renovations and the modernized retail equipment. Please share far and wide.

UP-DATE: December 18th, 2014 ....THANK YOU!  from all of us at YA@W. With your help we have now passed the $15,000 mark! 

We're not sure if Erin Dixon or Lynda Ehrlich put us over our mark, as the donations occurred within one second and the transactions were entered differently in two locations!! So they both get a set of 5 Art Cards. And MJ Warshawski gets a set too for putting us so close to the mark!

We'll have  more extra perks as we pass other milestones, so keep on sharing this campaign.

UP-DATE: December 6th, 2014

WOW! Yukoners and the art loving community are sooooo awesome! We have surpassed our goal. Please don't let that stop you from contributing.

When we began this crowd-funding campaign, we were apprehensive, and therefore conservative in placing our goal at $11,000. We are amazed by the generosity out there. We can make good use of additional funds for our renovations, reducing the amount of our bank loan required for this project. THE NEW STRETCH GOAL IS $20,000. Please encourage those in your community of friends and family  to support with a contribution of whatever feels right to them.

What is Yukon Artists at Work?  And what’s the big excitement?

Who is YA@W?

Yukon Artists at Work (YA@W) is a non-profit visual arts cooperative with the vision of rejuvenating itself in a downtown location. Conceived in 2003 as a supportive community for artists to take control of their own careers by creating their own venue to promote their art, YA@W has built a strong reputation in the Yukon. Membership fluctuates between 30 and 40 members as artists come and go, lives change focus, or some dear friends pass on. YA@W was listed as one of the top 10 hidden gems of Canada by the global tourism website Trip Advisor, and has been visited by notable people like former Governor General, Michaëlle Jean and 2010 Olympics CEO, John Furlong.

We work very hard and do lots of cool stuff:

YA@W hosts 12 exhibitions every year with free opening events, conducts free school and adult tours and a range of artist talks and demonstrations. YA@W has spearheaded many community projects through its active members. The Yukon Artists Relief Fund to assist local artists and their families dealing with medical emergencies or financial struggles was initiated by YA@W members. This year YA@W conducted a special project for youth and seniors involving a series of art-based workshops through autumn, winter and spring. YA@W members held the annual week-long Plein Air Festival, where visual artists do their art in specific outdoor locations for tourists and locals to come out and enjoy.This culminated in an exhibition hosted YA@W. Through the years, YA@W has helped hundreds of artists, welcomed thousands of visitors, and become an important part of our northern community. We believe that everyone, every single person, should be able to have art in their lives and feel welcome at our space.

Why do we need to move? 

Our gallery is currently located in the industrial area, up a long flight of stairs, on top of a warehouse in Whitehorse. YA@W has come to realize this location is hindering its effectiveness and its ability to maximize benefits to the community. This is evident in comments from gallery visitors, like this one: “The gallery is awesome and by far my new favourite gallery north of 60; such a group of fantastic artists.  The location sucks though….” Members are also feeling the same dissatisfaction with the current location.

In a downtown location, YA@W will have a bigger, richer, and more lasting impact for our wonderful community of artists and the art-loving community as a whole. This move will be a shot of adrenaline that picks us up and moves us on to a whole new level of artist support and community involvement. It's a new beginning. YA@W will be an even more beloved, iconic destination.

What do we need funds for?

We found a funky building in a fantastic downtown location but it requires substantial work for occupancy.  We need to remove and replace the furnace and ducting, a second washroom, other renovations and some upgraded retail equipment. Since YA@W does not profit from its activities, a reserve of funds to draw upon does not exist. This is where you come in. 

We are asking you to help YA@W meet our funding goal, and receive 50% of that same amount in a gallery gift certificate to spend after the first year in the new location, when YA@W will be well on it’s feet and financially able to repay your kindness. And there are more perks too!

YA@W perks!

Our perks give back to you with a big thank you for your support. We love doing what we do in the Yukon, and we want each of you who donate to have art in your lives and to experience the excitement of our new beginning. Our perks that help us reach this goal vary according to donor categories and are: 

-  the gratitude of over 30 Yukon artists,

-  YA@W pins,

-  a listing of your name online and in our gallery, indicating donor category

-  a gift certificate of 50% of your donation to spend in our gallery after the first year in the new location, when YA@W will be well on it’s feet and financially able to repay your kindness.

-  we have four categories where we’ll name a room in your honour (eg. The Smith room).

-  A private party! ... use our gorgeous new gallery for one private 2015 event with 2 or 3 artists present to assist during your event.

When, where, how?

All this is all taking place in Whitehorse, Yukon in Canada. The new Whitehorse location is the blue building at #4129, 4th Avenue. Have a look at the map and the photo of the bright blue building in the Gallery section. YA@W will move locations in January 2015. We have assessed needs and are currently acquiring firm competitive quotes for various aspects of the work.

The work will be managed by YA@W members and performed by local contractors and suppliers, the membership and volunteers.  Many of our members had previous careers that will ensure our move will go smoothly and renovations will be managed cost effectively. Among us we have engineers, set designers, stage carpenters, project managers, financial managers and more.

And we will keep everyone updated on what we’re doing, how we’re doing and answer any questions!

How you can help:

Donate here and now. Share the campaign online. Tell somebody about it. Tell everybody about it. The bigger the network, the more likely we are to reach our goal. Get co-workers or friends together to go in on a big perk... have a great private party! Write an article about the project. Get excited for our grand new beginning in 2015!

From all of us at YA@W, thank you so very much for your interest, we hope you will check out our web-site, facebook page, pictures, and get involved.

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Choose your Perk

Sam McGee (1868-1940) Perk

Currency Conversion $14 USD
$20 CAD
• the gratitude of over 30 Yukon artists, • a YA@W pin, • a listing of your name online and in our gallery under the "Sam McGee Award" • A gift certificate of $10 to spend in our gallery after the first year in the new location.
6 claimed

Jim Robb (1933 - ) Perk

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
• the gratitude of over 30 Yukon artists, • a YA@W pin, • a listing of your name online and in our gallery under the "Jim Robb Award" • A gift certificate of $25 to spend in our gallery after the first year in the new location.
10 claimed

Robert Service (1874-1958)Perk

Currency Conversion $71 USD
$100 CAD
• the gratitude of over 30 Yukon artists, • a YA@W pin, • a listing of your name online and in our gallery under the "Robert Service Award" • a gift certificate of $50 to spend in our gallery after the first year in the new location
15 claimed

Martha Black (1866–1957) Perk

Currency Conversion $176 USD
$250 CAD
• the gratitude of over 30 Yukon artists, • a YA@W pin, • a listing of your name online and in our gallery under the "Martha Black Award" • a gift certificate of $125 to spend in our gallery after the first year in the new location.
6 claimed

Skookum Jim (1860-1916) Perk

Currency Conversion $353 USD
$500 CAD
• the gratitude of over 30 Yukon artists, • 5 YA@W pins, • a listing of your name online and in our gallery under the "Skookum Jim Award" • a gift certificate of $250 to spend in our gallery after the first year in the new location.
2 claimed

Pierre Burton (1920–2004) Perk

Currency Conversion $529 USD
$750 CAD
• the gratitude of over 30 Yukon artists, • 5 YA@W pins, • a listing of your name online and in our gallery under the "Pierre Burton Award" • a gift certificate of $375 to spend in our gallery after the first year in the new location.
0 claimed

Kate Carmack (1857-1920) II

Currency Conversion $705 USD
$1,000 CAD
(AKA the buy yourself awesome art perk) • the gratitude of over 30 Yukon artists, • 5 YA@W pins, • a listing of your name online and in our gallery under the "Kate Carmack Award" • a gift certificate of $500 to spend in our gallery after the first year in the new location, when YA@W will be well on it’s feet and financially able to repay your kindness.
0 claimed

Ted Harrison (1926 - ) Perk

Currency Conversion $1,764 USD
$2,500 CAD
(AKA the buy yourself the nicest art perk) • the gratitude of over 30 Yukon artists, • 5 YA@W pins, • a listing of your name online and in our gallery under the "Ted Harrison Award" • A gift certificate of $1250 to spend in our gallery after the first year in the new location. • Naming of the east gallery room in your honour (eg. The Smith Room).
0 out of 1 of claimed
sold out

Kate Carmack (1857–1920) Perk

Currency Conversion $705 USD
$1,000 CAD
2 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Belinda Mulrooney (1872–1967)

Currency Conversion $3,527 USD
$5,000 CAD
1 out of 1 of claimed
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