Human body consists of approximately 70% water in different forms in muscle, bone, tissue and blood cells. Water plays a very vital role in maintaining daily activities of body. Optimum level and quality of water are very much important to keep organs healthy.
Human body generates molecules (called as Free Radicals) through smoking, ultraviolet exposure, pollution, aging, irregular sleep and stress which cause damage to our body every day.
These “reactive oxygen species” (ROS) are also formed in the process of breathing, something which we do every minute of each day.
ZIBCA Power Water Bottle provides many health benefits in day to day activities. One change in the Source of drinking water can make miraculous improvements in your health.
Hydrogen rich water provides better muscle regeneration and tissue healing. Some scientific research studies show benefits of drinking hydrogen rich water along with the effects of Gym workout, Yoga and Meditation.
ZIBCA Hydrogen water Bottle converts any water into 1000-1200 ppb Hydrogen rich water in 3 minutes. H2 in the Hydrogen water is the powerful smallest atom which can penetrate the cell wall and execute it's antioxidant effects.
It does not generate any kind of chlorine, ozone,H3O, H3O2 or H2O2 like other available products.
Our Studies and Research on Hydrogen water benefits and the manufacturing of this product took quite long to make this premium product without any side effects.
Initially we had a query as to where this generated Hydrogen goes in the water? After approaching many research specialists and chemistry experts we finally found this fact which is true and worthy trusting. Here is how it explains..!!
In Normal water H2O is a large cluster of 10-12 molecules where as in Hydrogen Rich Water it is a smaller cluster with H2 entrapped in it.
Both H2 and H2O in the Hydrogen water are stable molecules and do not cross react with each other.
Our ZIBCA team crafted this product considering the above stated facts and using Premium Glass material (Non Breeding for Bacteria), Tight seal cap (Prevent Hydrogen Evaporation), Rubber base material (Non Slippery on surface).
(Unfortunately, nobody is a good sketcher in our team )
ZIBCA uses SPE technology with Ti-Pt electrodes to ionize the water and produce hydrogen. It has integrated module of activated carbon helps which helps to absorb unwanted gas.
Our pilot study have shown positive results even in 3 months. Drinking hydrogen water is a habit for better health, not a medicine..!!
ZIBCA will ship worldwide.
The shipping fee is $15 worldwide (Free for Indian backers) and excludes GST, VAT, equivalent taxes and customs duties. GST and VAT, if any, will be collected from backers at the time of delivery.
We are planning to start shipping the product to all backers by January 2019. ZIBCA will ship to the Early Bird backers first and then begin shipping to the other backers. We will keep you updated on our progress and the expected delivery date of your order. Actual shipping dates may vary. We will keep you informed of your product shipping date.
By backing today, you'll get to own ZIBCA Power Bottle at an exclusive price that won’t be offered again commercially.
For questions about your order, please contact