Zion’s Camp is to be a self sufficient community, a place of peace and safety for all those searching a life of peace within the Gospel of Christ. Many Latter Day Mormons will make Zion's Camp their home, however it is also our wish that all those
people that have dedicated their lives to God and to the Gospel of Jesus Christ that
are not Mormons will join with us. Zion's Camp will be for all people in fellowship with Christ. It must be a place where people can worship in peace and make a life for themselves and their families in peace. Zion’s Camp is going to be a
real place, a physical place with houses, gardens, walkways , a school, a storehouse and of course a Temple to God. This will be a place fit for
the saints of the God and all those seeking peace and safety from the
tribulations that are now upon them and that are coming.
you like us want to see Zion’s Camp built and become a reality, then please, please donate your money to
help buy the land and build the buildings that are needed to establish this place of peace. Join with us in Zion’s Camp and make it a reality for the benefit of all
those that are seeking a better way of life, free from persecution, war,
hunger, poverty and hatred. Our motto taken from the statue of liberty says "Give me your tired,
your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of
your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my
lamp beside the golden door!"
What We Need From You
To make Zion's Camp a reality we are going to need your help, without it we want be able to do even get started and will remain un built. So with this in mind we are going to raise £500,000 so that we can not just purchase the land but also the equipment, labour infrastructure that we are going to need to get things in place.
Zion’s Camp will be a community that will be
protected by an outer and an inner wall constructed by used shipping containers
that will serve as a defence against the elements and those that might want to destroy
our community. We are not just going to establish a secure and safe community but a place that will supply us with all our food which is why the establishment of a small garden will need to be done that will in time give us the crops that we need for food. We will also be keeping chickens and goats and ducks, which over time will give us milk, eggs, and meat. Therefore between the inner and outer
walls will be the garden that will run round the whole of the boarder of Zion’s Camp, giving more
that enough room for growing vegetables and looking after the livestock.
buildings or habitats within Zion’s Camp will be built using pre-fabricated
buildings made off site and then shipped in this will allow us to order a
number of building that can house different numbers of people. Within the inner
wall of Zion’s Camp will be gardens and walkways
and trees and also the crowning glory in the centre of the plot the Temple which will be made
using the same construction as the habitats. The idea is to make Zion’s Camp a living and
thriving community for the benefit of all its community members and to make it a place where people can worship God in peace and saftey
that comes to live in Zion’s
Camp will be expected to live the law of consecration. This law will allow
everyone to receive according to their needs rather than their wants. We will
also expect those coming to live in Zion’s Camp will live according the Gospel
of Christ and take an active part in keeping the community in harmony with the
laws of God.
the money that is raised here will be going in to the churches papal account
and then on to our church bank account so that it can be kept safe and also to allow
us to do all that has been listed above. We will need to gain the best quotes
for the best possible material that we will need to establish this community and
to build a place that truly is a sanctuary from the world a Zion unto God.
The Goal is your goal and our purpose is your pupose however let us not forget that a lot of work is yet to be done and with your help we can get it done.
So don’t
forget that with each and every donation made you are in a very real way enabling
Zion’s Camp and
its community to become a reality. We would like to offer those that contribute
over £500 a place within the community. You may wish to pay £500 for each
member of your family and maybe even your friends. This is something that we
would encourage for peace of mind knowing that when that money is paid that you
have a place set aside for you and your family.
Zion’s Camp will not be
built over night but will take time and effort on all our parts. We will experience
road blocks on the way and problems but with a united will and consecrated
effort we will in the end win through and establish this great community.
Please remember that you are not donating for anything else other than the establishment
of a community called Zion’s Camp a community that will work in unison with
each other and become a beacon and a standard to everyone that is searching for
peace and safety and of course searching for a real relationship with God and the
Gospel of Christ.
So lets make Zion's Camp become a reality and rais ethe money that we need to get started, together we can do it!