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Sealing zipper lock bags will never be easier!! ZipSealer® is going to be your new favorite kitchen tool once you get your hands on one!
(International Patents Pending)
Many people find sealing any kind of zipper locking bag to be difficult and frustrating, including some seniors or people with chronic hand or finger joint pain like Arthritis. You never really know if the seal is completely tight from end to end. Some people even lie the bag down flat on the counter and and use it to push down on when sliding their finger along the zipper. This doesn't really work so well if the bag is bulky and full or has liquid or powder in it. The ZipSealer® makes it incredibly easy to get the tightest seal possible every single time, you will love using it!
Remember... Perks are priced in Canadian Dollars. Any Contribution Made in US Dollars will effectively have a 20% - 25% Discount at Current Exchange Rates!!
Invented By:
Dave Keehner
"Growing up and later living on and running the family farm taught me a lot about being resourceful and making the most of what you have at hand. If there was ever a problem that needed solving, or something broke down, spending a lot of time and money to have someone else take care of it was rarely an option. You had to be creative to get by and use what you had available to make it work. Usually that meant keeping the solution as simple as possible.... That philosophy is reflected in the simplicity of the ZipSealer®. It's so easy to use and it works GREAT!"
1. Hold the bag and pinch one end of the zipper to start.
2. Place the zipper between the ZipSealer® tong ends in the "ZipZone"(between chevrons >>>|<<<).
3. Gently squeeze the ZipSealer® and slide along keeping the zipper in "ZipZone".
The ZipSealer® was designed and will be manufactured locally by some very talented and experienced people. Keeping things close to home has helped to ensure the highest quality production and a smooth road from concept to marketplace. We have tried to minimize any long distance problems associated when dealing with entities overseas simply for the sake of reducing costs... and usually at the expense of quality. No compromises were made to ensure that the highest standards of design, manufacturing and function were always maintained in creating the ZipSealer®.
ZipSealer® Fits Easily Into Sandwich Bag Box For Total Convenience.
- Embedded Magnet Keeps the ZipSealer® Always Handy on the Fridge.
Dishwasher Safe.
How You Can Help Us:
The Production Mold Tooling and Design that is needed to manufacture the ZipSealer® is the most critical element to get right, and biggest hurdle to overcome on the way to market. It is also the costliest, by far! That is what this campaign is all about. We have done our homework to get to where we are now. The patents are pending, the design has been tested, evaluated and revised multiple times, manufacturing is lined up, now it's time to get the ZipSealer® into the hands of people everywhere.
ZipSealer® is going to get to market with your help and support no matter what happens...
We guarantee it! Claim Your Perks Today!
How We Can Help You:
ZipSealer® makes a simple, everyday task so much easier for absolutely everybody, you'll see! But it is also a god-send for millions of seniors or those with carpal tunnel syndrome or hand and finger joint pain who find it very difficult, if not impossible to seal zipper lock bags. We are currently working towards getting the endorsement of the
Arthritis Society through their
"Ease of Use" Program Certification and hope to have it soon.
The scope of use goes well beyond the domestic kitchen!
Commercial packing and shipping operations, food production, even medical and laboratory settings that use zipper bags are all areas where the ZipSealer® will prove to be invaluable through increased efficiency. It will also reduce the risk of any cross contamination since it will lessen the amount of direct contact with the bag. Any environment that requires people to wear rubber, latex, or any other type of glove will certainly benefit greatly by using the ZipSealer® too.
Some other suggested uses have been as a tool for:
- Squeezing the remaining contents out of a tube of toothpaste, cream, lotion or ointment, or other kinds of tubing.
- Making crisp folds with paper quickly and efficiently, perfect for advertising brochures and tri-folds.
- Making long lasting hems, creases or pleats in fabric & clothing.
It can certainly be used for all that too! We are sure as it's popularity grows, people will find even more uses for it.
The Journey so far...
The creative road to make the ZipSealer® a reality has been a lot of fun and, at times, somewhat frustrating. I have always believed that wherever persistence and intelligence are applied, anything that can go right, will go right, and anything that is good will get better. During development we spent a great deal of time focusing on what problems there might be with the ZipSealer® and we made sure we came up with the solutions to fix them along the way. These are some of the steps we took and how we got to where we are now...
Making this first working prototype and trying it out was truly an exhilarating moment; taking that seed of in idea and turning it into something real! It worked perfectly, the very first time too! The Thermoplastic was the only thing that I had to order and buy, everything else was already at hand.
Once the Patent Applications were filed it was off to a local world class manufacturer. At our first meeting, the plant owner at
LD Tool & Die absolutely loved the tool and told me he had to seal at least 10 bags the night before and wished he had one. They set me up with a designer at
Wingspan Design who has done a lot of work for
Lee Valley Tools, another great local company, and he came up with an initial design.
Great start but we had to make some changes to this initial design to ensure that it would work as well as it possibly could. This involved rounding off the ends and positioning the rollers as close to the ends as possible so it wouldn't snag on the bag if it was bulging with contents. We also rounded off the roller mounts at the ends so the edges of the bag wouldn't get caught on them when the bag is fed between the rollers. Another change was slimming it down for a better ergonomic fit, no matter what size of hand was using it.
So we came up with this...
1.0 3D Printed Prototypes:![]()
From here we found in our focus groups that the natural way people want to instinctively hold the tool, required a change in the alignment of the roller end so that it resembled a "hockey stick" shape. All we had to do was put a bend in it, or so we thought. Extensive testing showed that the angle had to be extremely precise. The whole process was much more complicated than it seemed at first, but we got it done. Making sure the ZipSealer® works as well as it possibly can has always been more important than making it easy to manufacture.
And we ended up here...
2.0 3D Printed Prototype:![]()
We feel that we have created something very simple that will help make a lot of peoples lives so much simpler too!
We have come a long way to get to where we are and we have a lot future plans for the ZipSealer® that we'd like to pursue, after we meet our funding goal. You can help us get there by claiming your perks today!
If we reach:
$50,000- Unlocks Commercial Grade ZipSealer® with Steel Rollers and Axles for hundreds of uses per day if needed. Ideal for Distribution, Packing & Shipping Operations.
$80,000- Unlocks Medical/ Food/ Laboratory Grade All Stainless Steel Version of the ZipSealer® for Clean or Sterile Environments.
Please Help Us Spread the Word!
Even if you feel that you may not need a ZipSealer® for yourself, you most certainly know someone who does need one, your parents, your neighbor, your best friend, your co-worker. Please be sure to "Like" and share this page with them, and everybody else on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc. so they can get their hands on on a ZipSealer® too!
Together, we can make it happen!
Striding Edge Innovations