Black Conservative, Conservative, GOP, Newsninja2012
<p>This is Wayne Dupree, Newsninja2012. I am and have been committed to exposing the Democrats in a way that has been frowned upon by some conservatives and cheered by many more. When I completely left the Democratic Plantation in 2008 during the Democratic Primary, I felt liberated and free to a point that I wanted to share it with everyone.</p> <p>Since that time, I have gone stealth mode and really learned more history thanI ever did in school and how much I was lied to by the Democratic Party. To have that sense of what I knew and that it was fabricated to get my vote only angered me to the point I had to begin something to inform everyone else.</p> <p>I feel it’s our responsibility as conservatives/republicans to fight back against the liberal hate machine and meet them head on with like-minded strength and <span id="IL_AD6" class="IL_AD">dedication</span>. I also want to expose the media for the dirt bag politics that they employ on a daily basis and how they rip us off by not giving up the correct news to be well-informed voters.</p> <p>I am the proud son for a <span id="IL_AD5" class="IL_AD">Sunday School</span> Superintendent that loves the Lord and made it possible for me to be who I am today. I spent 8 years in the US Air Force and I have been in the <span id="IL_AD3" class="IL_AD">public sector</span> ever since trying to build up my knowledge and experience to be the best <span id="IL_AD1" class="IL_AD">person</span> I can for my family and community.</p>