DCDS (D.C. Desi Summer)
DC, District of Columbia, United States
We are members of the D.C. Desi Summer organizing collective! Our mission is to empower South Asian American-identifying youth through social justice education, workshops and via the 4-day DCDS summer session. DCDS has been challenging the myth of the model minority and promoting community since 2009!<br><br>For more info, visit our website : <a target="" title="" href="http://dcdesisummer.weebly.com/">http://dcdesisummer.weebly.com/</a><br><br><br>(*Indiegogo enforces identifying as either "male" or "female".. We do not.)<br><br><img alt="" src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v102/workingforvacation/DCDSindiegogo.jpg" align="none"><br>