Zesty, handmade plush, fresh from the burrow.
<p>I am the mastermind behind abbydid: a craftastic enterprise responsible for all manner of plush goodness, such as the Wibbly Woo and Knucklebiter. My formal title is "Goddess of Domestic Bliss." What that translates to is: I am a stay-at-home mama of two little sassafrasses (Sir Broderick Scott and Miss Kallisto). I grab the occasional moment to be creative and nurture my inner fabulousness whenever I can. In a former life I was an art school drop-out, changed my major 5 times, got engaged after ten weeks, and domesticated. That was (whoa, Nelly) TWELVE years ago. I love to travel, vegetate in front of the TV, do yoga, and am a total sucker for stray animals. I married a hottie and have a raging addiction to lattes.</p> <p><span style="color: #262626; font-family: Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: small;"> </span></p>