Rob Fields is a curator, music entrepreneur, and self-described “black rock evangelist” who writes about black rock, Afro-punk, and black alt music and culture on his blog <a target="_blank" title="" href=""></a> was launched in February 2007 and is the only regularly-written blog that focuses on exploring, celebrating and evangelizing the growing music broadly known as Black rock, Afro-punk or urban alternative. The focus is not only on the music from African-American artists whose work falls outside the traditional confines of what’s considered “Black” music, i.e., hip hop & R&B, but also as a means to explore the cultural and lifestyle shift that’s helping push this music towards the mainstream. TV on the Radio, Santigold, The Noisettes, Living Colour and Gnarls Barkley are only a few of the artists who comprise this category. There are hundreds more.<br><br>He has been a frequent guest on NPR, and writes for the Huffington Post,, and, among others. Rob is the former Director of Public Relations for The Black Rock Coalition. He has been a guest several times on NPR, <a target="_blank" title="" href="http://">hosted artist interviews for BET/CentricTV,</a> and was a panelist at SXSW 2009 and <a target="_blank" title="" href="">SXSW 2010, where he interviewed seminal black punk band Death.</a> He’s also spoken at CMJ09 and <a target="_blank" title="" href="">Indiana University’s Black Rock Conference.</a><br><br> <br><br> <br><br>