Never give up
<p><strong>Hello,</strong><span><br /> </span><strong> Not many people know who I am. My name is Brandon Payan. I am a Father, Son and a filmmaker last. In 2007 when I first found out I was going to be a father I did what few people would think of. I decided to chase my dream of making my film "Death & Me". I knew the first thing I had to do was get educated. So I went to film school in San Francisco at the Academy of Art University. Unfortunately it was cut short due to the 2008 economic crash. I had no choice but to come back to my hometown empty handed and in serious student loan debt. Since then I have been working as hard as I can to get this film made, while supporting my family.</strong> </p> <p><strong> Unfortunately I can't afford to finish college due to the student loans I am paying off. I have done some work on other low budget movies, but I still haven't been able to make my film Death & Me. I know what it would take to make this happen and I also know that my family is the most important thing in the world. I would never go into anymore debt to follow a crazy scheme like this. I'm hoping someone out here on indiegogo will believe in me. Someone who can believe in this project. If I ever make a movie in my entire life it will be this one.</strong></p> <p><strong> I have made two no budget feature films so far. One of them is possibly going to be on Hulu sometime in the next few months I hope. I have done a number of short films (see the links below). I know that if I try to make "Death & Me" I would have to pay professional cast and crew instead of asking friends and family due to what the content demands.</strong></p>