Sage Vann
Seattle, Washington, United States
Campaigns I'm On
reflect yoga: a father's journey deeper into union, authenticity, and community.
Sage Vann
Taking the next step toward building a community that shares the peace and joy of reflection, breath, and moving meditation that is yoga asana.
Campaigns I've Funded
Samadhi's NEW ALBUM
Krishni Metivier
Join Samadhi, a kirtan band of seven, in recording a debut CD for you!
AmpStrip - Comfortable 24-7 heart rate wearable
Steven Schwartz
Help us revolutionize athletic training with the first comfortable, 24/7 wearable heart rate monitor
AmpStrip - Comfortable 24-7 heart rate wearable
Steven Schwartz
Help us revolutionize athletic training with the first comfortable, 24/7 wearable heart rate monitor
Holotech Studios
FaceRig is a program that lets you embody awesome characters, with total freedom of face expressions and emotions in real time, by just using a webcam.
ii Earphones Snap Strap
Michal Kocner
ii Earphones "Snap Strap" is created to make your music more enjoyable than ever before
Heal Depression, Embody Joy
Emily Neumann
Raising $10,000 to enroll in Martha Beck's Life Coach Training & launch a holistic coaching business to empower health, vitality & joy.
The Giovanni Story
Emily Potter
I fell in love with Giovanni, a man who came to me for years in dreams. I share these songs with other dreamers, who love beyond reality's illusion.
Misfit Shine: an elegant, wireless activity tracker
The Misfit Team
Gorgeous all-metal construction. Tiny so you can wear anywhere. Tracks cycling and swimming, not just steps. To sync, just lay on phone.
Misfit Shine: an elegant, wireless activity tracker
The Misfit Team
Gorgeous all-metal construction. Tiny so you can wear anywhere. Tracks cycling and swimming, not just steps. To sync, just lay on phone.
No Spill Kangaroo Cup
Joe Born
No spill cup invented by a little girl, originally to help her grandfather. They've been to China and now ready for production
Campaigns I'm Following
reflect yoga: a father's journey deeper into union, authenticity, and community.
Sage Vann
Taking the next step toward building a community that shares the peace and joy of reflection, breath, and moving meditation that is yoga asana.
Flow Hive: Honey on Tap Directly From Your Beehive
Cedar and Stuart Anderson
Harvesting honey with Flow™ is easier on the beekeeper and so much easier on the bees.
ANTELOPE Sportswear: Muscle Activating Smartsuit
ANTELOPE helps you to reach your fitness goals faster than ever, making each workout more effective.