<p>Hi all. I'm John. I'm a 38 year old boy. I like movies, comic books, writing, illustrating, playing pool, generally being a nuisance, but in a fun way... and now filmmaking.<br /><br />In December of 2011 we released the season finale episode of "8 for Vegas." For the cast and crew it was a big success. We set out and completed a 9-episode mockumentary web series and had a ton of fun doing it.</p> <p>You can view episodes here: <a href="http://www.8forvegas.com">http://www.8forvegas.com</a></p> <p>Let's see. I live in NYC. I've been in the local pool league here for 15 years. I'm a 7 (means I'm an ok pool player). I play on one team with a bunch of great people.</p> <p>My favorite movies: Wild at Heart, John Carpenter's The Thing, Robocop, Midnight Run, Fight Club.<br /><br />Oingo Boingo. Best band ever. Yeah.<br /><br />And... that's about it for right now. I want to thank my girl Karen, my mom, my sis, my friends, and my father, for being awesome.</p>