Emir Gamsizoglu

New York, New York, United States

Classical pianist/composer who started music at the age of 20.

<p><span>Emir Gamsızoğlu has one of the most extraordinary life stories among classical musicians. He started to play the piano at the age of 20 and he was a professional basketball player in the Turkish Basketball League before 20 !</span>&nbsp;</p> <p><span>He was injured in a game and his interest in music started during his convalescence; after a few hours of practice, he succeeded to play Chopin&rsquo;s Op.64 C Sharp Minor Waltz hearing it from his mother who is a<a title="Oya Bale" href="http://www.oyabale.com/" target="_blank">ballet teacher</a>. Having no education or interest in piano until the age of 20, didn&rsquo;t stop his decision to change his career to become a pianist.</span>&nbsp;</p> <p><span>He was the shortest player in all the basketball teams he played and he is the latest to start playing the piano among professional musicians. After a year of private lessons, he was the oldest student, accepted to the piano department of Istanbul University State Conservatory in 1995. He was awarded the &ldquo;Young Musician of the Year&rdquo; by the Lions Club in 1999. After completing the conservatoire, he continued his studies with Seba Baştuğ Şen and Turkish State Artist&nbsp;<a title="H&uuml;seyin Sermet" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%BCseyin_Sermet" target="_blank">Huseyin Sermet</a>&nbsp;in Paris.</span></p> <p><span>He played solo and chamber music in France, Germany, Italy, Roumania, Turkey and United States. In 2008 he was the first Turkish pianist to perform J.S.Bach&rsquo;s Goldberg Variations in Turkey. Beyond his solo career, he&rsquo;s often invited to play chamber music by wellknown artists such as&nbsp;<a title="Chen Halevi" href="http://clarichen.com/" target="_blank">Chen Halevi</a>,&nbsp;<a title="Natalie Clein" href="http://www.natalieclein.com/" target="_blank">Natalie Clein</a>,&nbsp;<a title="Marina Chiche" href="http://marinachiche.wordpress.com/" target="_blank">Marina Chiche</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a title="Belcea Quartet" href="http://www.belceaquartet.com/" target="_blank">Belcea Quartet</a>. In 2007, Gamsızoğlu, premiered his piece &ldquo;Fantasy on Istanbul Tunes&rdquo; with Halevi, Chiche and Clein in Cemal Reşit Rey Concert Hall, Istanbul.</span></p> <p><span>Apart from his engagements as a pianist, Gamsızoğlu also prepared a radio program with famous Turkish actor&nbsp;<a title="Memet Ali Alabora" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memet_Ali_Alabora" target="_blank">Memet Ali Alabora</a>, named &ldquo;<a title="Notada Yazmayanlar" href="http://notadayazmayanlar.wordpress.com/" target="_blank">Notada Yazmayanlar</a>&nbsp;(Unwritten on the Scores)&rdquo; between 2001-2003, penned articles for the music magazine Andante since its first issue, realized talks about music and gave concerts to promote classical music throughout Turkey. In 2009 they started &ldquo;Notada Yazmayanlar for Kids&rdquo; with Alabora at İş Sanat Concert Hall, Istanbul. &ldquo;Chopin&rsquo;s 200th Birthday Party&rdquo;, &ldquo;Variations After Joe&rdquo; and &ldquo;<a title="Drama in Beethoven" href="http://dramainbeethoven.wordpress.com/" target="_blank">Drama in Beethoven</a>&rdquo; are among the interdisciplinary projects he&rsquo;s created.</span>&nbsp;</p> <p><span>In 2002, he founded &ldquo;<a title="Istanbul Trio" href="http://istanbultrio.wordpress.com/" target="_blank">Istanbul Trio</a>&rdquo;, played concerts and made a film/recording. Then, in 2010 Istanbul Trio made a fresh start with two young musicians; violinist&nbsp;<a title="Deniz Toyg&uuml;r" href="http://istanbultrio.wordpress.com/deniz-toygur-violin/" target="_blank">Deniz Toyg&uuml;r</a>&nbsp;and cellist&nbsp;<a title="Cem &Ccedil;etinkaya" href="http://cemcetinkaya-violoncello.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">Cem &Ccedil;etinkaya</a>.</span></p> <div><span>&nbsp;</span></div> <h6>&nbsp;</h6>

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