<p><br>I have finally found the courage to put the fears of failure aside and GO FOR THE GOLD!</p> <p>The change I want to see for the young men of our country will only be accomplished with a voice crying out for them and the tenacity to see it through. </p> <p>Old habits die hard and our culture has produced stereotypical gender falsities that set our young men on a path of failure.</p> <p>It's time to re-define the boy code and I'm ready for the fight for a new boy code that I'm calling the Boy Code version 2.0 - <u>BOYCODE2.0</u>!</p> <p> </p> <p>Although I have not the typical family unit around me, I have strong, encouraging, loving, beautiful people in my life that have pushed me into believing in what they've seen in me all along. Our weaknesses become our best allies and for me the shy, insignificant, insecure little girl has grown up to be a no nonsense, self-accepting, secure woman who has found her voice and is using it for those that cannot use their own.</p> <p> </p> <p>I am excited that my decision to NOT define myself by societal standards with the love and guidance of those that have gone before me .....enabling me to step out with my ease of the unknown and bring my purpose into fruition.</p>