Nathan Singh

Los Angeles, California, United States

Campaigns I'm On

  • A play about cultural property and sowing roots.
  • A new play by Julie Tawio Oni that will presented a the 2014 Company Creation Festival at the Son of Semele Theatre.

Campaigns I've Funded

  • A South Africa-meets-California play by Julie Taiwo Oni for Son of Semele's CCF Festival.
  • THE TRIP invites you to experience Shakespeare’s MACBETH in a way you’ve never imagined it: as a group therapy session.
  • Connecting creatives and others with marketable skills who are willing to volunteer with charities and non-profits that need their help.

Campaigns I'm Following

  • A new play by Julie Tawio Oni that will presented a the 2014 Company Creation Festival at the Son of Semele Theatre.
  • A play about cultural property and sowing roots.