The Misfit Team
San Francisco, California, United States
Campaigns I'm On
Misfit Shine: an elegant, wireless activity tracker
The Misfit Team
Gorgeous all-metal construction. Tiny so you can wear anywhere. Tracks cycling and swimming, not just steps. To sync, just lay on phone.
Campaigns I'm Following
BRIGHT Solar Lamp & Phone charger
Kristian Bye
This solar lamp and phone charger can improve the lives of millons living without electricity - and your camping trip!
Misfit Shine: an elegant, wireless activity tracker
The Misfit Team
Gorgeous all-metal construction. Tiny so you can wear anywhere. Tracks cycling and swimming, not just steps. To sync, just lay on phone.
GravityLight: lighting for developing countries.
Patrick Hunt
Please click the link below to see our brand new campaign - GravityLight 2: Made in Africa
CrossOver: Alaskan Sci-Fi Fantasy
Shawn Weixelman
CrossOver chronicles first contact between two civilizations, one mystical, the other technological.