Salvatore Brown
Taipei, Taiwan
GHOST STORY: A modern ghost story / road movie about loss, love, longing, transcendence, drinking and drowning, set in Taiwan
GHOST STORY: “鬼故事” 一片內容是描述一個女孩和其摯友,以及她的鬼媽媽之間的關係。凱特(暫譯)是一個聰慧又充滿魅力的台灣女孩,然而卻因為過去的創傷而過著自我毀滅的生活。在台北的一夜大醉後,她看見了母親的鬼魂,於是決定一路往北回到故鄉去面對亡靈,並弄清楚它不得安息到底要傳達什麼訊息 Kate, Taiwanese, and Ryann, eternal English-teaching expat, are best friends. Together they share a numbing, self-destructive existence filled with booze and bad decisions. When visions from Kate's past begin to re-surface amidst the haze and hazards of nights-out in Taipei, she decides to journey to her hometown to confront the apparition.