Joshua Stump

Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Pastor and Director of Anchor Mission USA

<meta charset="utf-8"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Lucida Grande', Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 18px; border-collapse: separate; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); ">Life is not rocket science!” is a common phrase uttered by Joshua Stump, a man passionate about instilling the nature of God’s heart into those he encounters. Currently the pastor of the Nashville-based Anchor Fellowship, a Anchor Mission&nbsp; church, Joshua ardently tries to convey these core values, simple and complex all at once, about Christian living: God loves His creation and He accepts you as you are, He has a calling and destiny for your life and you have purpose and are becoming a new creation through the daily process of living the Christian life.<br><br>Known as candid, humorous and without restraint, Joshua is constantly discovering new truths that apply to his life and therefore become key points in his weekly teachings to his church.&nbsp; Raw and tattooed are few words used to describe most pastors, but Joshua knew his calling early in life and let his experiences, both unpleasant and joyful, mold him into the kind of leader he is today.&nbsp; Growing up in rural Virginia, he left home at 18, itching to see the world and what life had to offer.<br><br>After a few years in bible college, several more spent traveling, Joshua found himself in Nashville, TN.&nbsp; He often had dual careers, one as a successful youth pastor and the other in the music business.&nbsp; He spent many years using his outgoing personality to promote bands and musicians, sometimes as Radio Promoter or A&amp;R representative and other times as band manager or club promoter, including helping to launch RCKTWN Music Venue in 2002.&nbsp; His passion, however, has always been to guide people in their walks with Christ, so in 2004, he became a full-time founding pastor, trusting God for the people and support he needed to flourish.<br><br>In 2006 after Joshua founded the Anchor Fellowship, he expanded his vision to include the launch of Anchor School of Ministry. In 2010 Joshua founded the Anchor Mission USA, and help to facilitate nine church plants in the first year. He is currently writing a book called "The Crooked Shephard that sets forth the principles of his core teachings; he has already completed two children’s books inspired by his daughter, Sophia and son Isaiah.&nbsp; In August 2011 Joshua plans to be full time traveling the country speaking and encouraging the Bride of the Christ to live Her life with power. Many adventures lie before Joshua, but as with life so far, he will meet those challenges head on and with God granting him the wisdom and grace needed to surpass and become victorious.</span><br>

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