Life is short, live it and love it
<p>this a video/short film production company run by Frank Duran aka yupfrank <br /> Frank Duran is a Filmmaker<br /> He Directs, does camera work, builds the sets and writes<br /> but he does none of that alone, His brother Jack Duran and their Friends star in the films and help write too<br /> with a fanbase that is growing all the time<br /> has been called up and coming by many fellow filmakers</p> <p>Yupfrank Productions work on short films all the time that range form thrillers,horrers,comedys, action films and many others<br /> we make videos featureing skits that can only be catgerized as wicked funny</p> <p>also my friend Joe (aka titanicwicked go check out his channel on youtube!) and I are Heart-Felt Pictures and we will be posting some projects that we put togther as a team</p> <p>if you want to se some behind the scenes pictures and stuff <br /> friend me here</p>