Sara Larsen

Oakland, California, United States

Campaigns I'm On

  • Alette In Oakland: A Symposium On The Work of Alice Notley. October 24-26, 20414 in Oakland, CA
  • A community projector to be lent out for for FREE USE to free schools, incl. the Bay Area Public School & a network of arts and activist folk in our community.

Campaigns I've Funded

  • Poets of the world converge on Oakland over Memorial Day Weekend. With your support, we can help defray their travel costs and let the party begin.

Campaigns I'm Following

  • A community projector to be lent out for for FREE USE to free schools, incl. the Bay Area Public School & a network of arts and activist folk in our community.
  • Alette In Oakland: A Symposium On The Work of Alice Notley. October 24-26, 20414 in Oakland, CA