Solarna Pecka

Pecka (Baraći/Mrkonjić Grad), Bosnia and Herzegovina

Da nam Pecka bude "solarno selo" / Let's make Pecka a solar village!

Solarna Pecka je inicijativa čiji je cilj dovesti solarnu energiju u selo Pecka i to u okviru "Centra za posjetioce Pecka" kroz model građanskog učešća i zajedničkog ulaganja. Inicijativu pokreću nevladine organizacije Zelene staze (Greenways) i Centar za životnu sredinu (CZZS) / "Solarna Pecka" is an initiative aiming to bring solar energy to the Pecka village in the frame of the center for rural sustainable tourism “Visitor Centar Pecka” through citizen’s direct engagement and financing model.

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  • 1 Contribution
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