Chelsey Hett

Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Campaigns I'm On

  • An upcoming short film currently in pre-production. Scheduled to be shot June 2014 throughout the Twin Cities. We need your support to help make it possible.
  • Inspired by the demise of Timothy Treadwell, "Grizzled" follows a man and his pursuit of purpose through insanity and escapism, but with kick ass songs.
  • Lucy's recurring nightmares tear her perception of reality apart. How will she deal with the sinister forces that threaten her?
  • A Norweigian man developing Alzheimer’s struggles with wife's recent passing. He strives for a peaceful closure before she is erased from his memory forever.

Campaigns I've Funded

  • A Sci-Fi short that examines our dependance on technology and the value of staying connected to the ways of our past, while embracing the future.
  • A Norweigian man developing Alzheimer’s struggles with wife's recent passing. He strives for a peaceful closure before she is erased from his memory forever.
  • A Norweigian man developing Alzheimer’s struggles with wife's recent passing. He strives for a peaceful closure before she is erased from his memory forever.
  • If only love were like the movies.
  • Lucy's recurring nightmares tear her perception of reality apart. How will she deal with the sinister forces that threaten her?
  • A Norweigian man developing Alzheimer’s struggles with wife's recent passing. He strives for a peaceful closure before she is erased from his memory forever.

Campaigns I'm Following