Rich Rubin

Phialdelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Campaigns I'm On

  • We're thrilled to bring "Confessions of a Mormon Boy" to Philadephia's 2014 GayFest! But planes, hotels, and food aren't cheap so help us fund this hit show!
  • GayFest! is Philadephia's annual GLBT theater festival, now in its third year - the only gay/lesbian theater festival in Philadephia!

Campaigns I've Funded

Campaigns I'm Following

  • GayFest! is Philadephia's annual GLBT theater festival, now in its third year - the only gay/lesbian theater festival in Philadephia!
  • We're thrilled to bring "Confessions of a Mormon Boy" to Philadephia's 2014 GayFest! But planes, hotels, and food aren't cheap so help us fund this hit show!