Jenn Jennings

Peabody, Massachusetts, United States

<p style="margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; line-height: 23.0px; font: 12.0px 'American Typewriter Light';"><span style="font-size: large;">Producer/Co-Director</span></p> <p style="margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; line-height: 23.0px; font: 12.0px 'American Typewriter Light';"><span style="font-size: large;">Jenn Jennings is currently a student at the New England Institute of Art and will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in the spring of 2013. Prior to becoming a film student Jenn worked for the Academy Award winning filmmaker, Michael Moore. She worked as his executive assistant for 3 years. During this time she assisted Mr. Moore on 3 of his films, Sicko, Slacker Uprising and Capitalism: A Love Story. Jenn is passionate in&nbsp; production work and her experience working with this successful documentarian is an asset to any film project.</span></p>

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