The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands-Robert Pirsig
My name is Alia Mohamed and I am a Biology major at Marymount <a target="_blank" href="#" class="MIVA_AdLink highYield" name="MIVA_LINK_1_0_0" id="MIVA_LINK_1_0_0">University</a>. In July 2009, I founded Mercy to Mankind Foundation, a <a target="_self" href="#" class="MIVA_AdLink highYield frame" name="MIVA_LINK_1_0_0" id="MIVA_LINK_1_0_0">student</a>-led <a target="_self" href="#" class="MIVA_AdLink frame" name="MIVA_LINK_2_0_3" id="MIVA_LINK_2_0_3">organization</a> that aids orphaned and impoverished children in Somalia. I have been blessed with so much support from my family, friends, and community. With their help, the organization was able to build two orphanages that cares for a total of 200 children. Seeing the beautiful faces of these children is what really motivates me to keep going, to keep making a difference. I may not be able to help all 630,000 orphans in Somalia, but I'm optimistic that I will someday. Through Indiegogo, I hope to meet people with the same ambitions!<br>