Creative Vagabond.
<p>If I was a superhero, I would be a cross between Captain Planet and<br /> Hiro off of Heroes. Constantly trying to save the world from<br /> environmental degradation and trying to jump through time and space to<br /> different remote areas of the world to tell untold stories -my life is<br /> full of adventure. As a filmmaker, social entrepreneur, activist,<br /> writer and speaker based out of Victoria BC, I am always up to<br /> something. My work is focused on ethical, social and political change. <br /> I am the Co-Founder of EnviroSpeak Media a web development company<br /> creating web tools for social change (, the<br /> Producer/Director of A LAND APART a feature length documentary film on<br /> the war in Southern Thailand, and a social strategist for clients all<br /> over North America including: and What<br /> does "social strategist" mean? I help to come up with fun ideas on how<br /> to find your audience online and have them engage with you (like mind<br /> control, yet another super power).</p>