A Filmmaking Man's Man
<strong>Dustin Stratton</strong> is a filmmaker from the beautiful state of Oregon. He has led a full and interesting life living both in big cities and the ranch as a kid, to his combat deployments as an Airborne Infantryman, on through his days as a student filmmaker in Portland, OR. Dustin has created many short films over the years, spread over many different genres. The most notable of which are <em><a title="The Forest King" href="http://www.theforestkings-domain.com/" target="_blank">The Forest King</a></em> and <em><a title="Journal" href="http://www.journal-fk.com/" target="_blank">Journal</a></em>. As a lover of music, life, and film he draws upon all of his experiences for inspiration for the stories he writes as well as directs. Dustin lives with his wife and step-daughter in Salem, OR where he is currently working on his epic/fantasy short-film <em><strong>Verlosser</strong></em>.