Dancing With Goatboys
<p align="LEFT"><span><span><span>I was born and raised in Alaska, before moving with my family to California. I am excited to join the Oasis Armada team and create positive change.</span></span></span></p> <p align="LEFT">My vision is to connect people and places as we sail, leaving a positive impact on each place we visit, whether its a connection with one individual or a positive impact on an entire community. She believes in leaving places better than we found them, hopefully incorporating some Oasis Games as we go. She is also inspired about collecting stories from the people and places that we visit, as well as individual growth in respect to her own skills and knowledge about sailing, fishing, self sustenance. She is also passionate about about raising awareness of the potential of gift economy, its benefits, and its magic. Finally, she wants to spread ideas about reconnection to the the earth, world, each other, our food, our homes, our careers and our lives.</p>