Help me proove my hypothesis.
<p>Hi, my name is Daniel Geiter. Thank you for even considering parting with some of your hard earned money for my project. This venture has seen many different variations over the last 4 years and will change more prior to its inception and that is a good thing.</p> <p>This program has literally been my passion for the last 3 years. As I progressed through my academic programs and attained my Associates and Bachelors I knew that I would attend The University of Chicago in-order for me to garner credibility.</p> <p>Many people ask me why I choose to raise $250,000.00. Well, I honestly want this project operated from the standards of academia and not just another corrections program. The Academy will exist as a place where each parolee will be offered a true second chance at life.</p> <p>My hypothesis is, programs and services needed to deliver sustainable support to reduce the recidivism of a parolee are currently available at multiple locations within a 20 mile radius of parolees residing in the Chicago metro area. Yet, issues relating to proximity of programs and services and access are a negative obstacle. The Academy has created a collaborative network of governmental, community and non-profit organizations joining forces to create a complete continuum of care.</p> <p>As a convicted felon myself, I have a unique perspective on how the problems of prison release and recidivism enhances the punitive consequences of having a felony conviction. In 1999 I paroled and have never returned. My end to the cycle of release and return began with my lack of direction or mentorship and ended with my dedication to personal educational development. A professor once told me that, “the more education I received the less my felony conviction would matter.” She was right. As I approach my fourth and final degree (PhD), I can appreciate how education has changed my life.</p> <p>Please join me in proving that one small idea, from an imperfect person can make a difference.</p> <p>Thank you</p> <p>Daniel Geiter -</p>