The first animated feature-film of experimental dance, theater and music by composer-director John Moran, featuring Japanese-born dancer, Saori Tsukada.
The first animated feature-film of experimental dance, theater and music by composer-director John Moran, featuring Japanese-born dancer, Saori Tsukada.
An 'Open Source' Animated Movie based on the stage-work of composer John Moran. Featuring Saori Tsukada and John Moran. Dedicated to the public-domain.
An 'Open Source' Animated Movie based on the stage-work of composer John Moran. Featuring Saori Tsukada and John Moran. Dedicated to the public-domain.
The first animated feature-film of experimental dance, theater and music by composer-director John Moran, featuring Japanese-born dancer, Saori Tsukada.
The first animated feature-film of experimental dance, theater and music by composer-director John Moran, featuring Japanese-born dancer, Saori Tsukada.