As a nurse I depended on storytelling, this film is really more of the same, in a new and exciting direction..
<p><strong>Mark Freeman, Producer/Director</strong>, is one of the founders of the first public health transgender clinic in the U.S., where he spent seventeen years learning from and working with transgendered folks. Augmenting his other career as a producer, writer and therapeutic storyteller, this unique clinical experience informs a distinctive and emotionally rewarding documentary film. With Mel Novikoff, Harvey Milk & Allen Sawyer he organized San Francisco’s first mixed lesbian and gay film festival in 1978, raising funds to defeat the Briggs Initiative. He has served on Frameline’s Screening Committee, written for their festival program guides and escorted directors. His current video-blogcast “Now Then & Back When,” is a look at the function of popular music across generations. He was producer/writer/narrator of the KALW radio program “Healing Tales” 1990-’91, a series for people living with AIDS and those who cared for them, funded by the San Francisco Foundation. National distribution included complete series of the show on tape sent to 100 hospitals, hospices and HIV service organizations.</p>