Agh! Where's my pencil!?
I was born and raised in a small town near the Croatian border in Bosnia and Herzegovina, after the civil war my parents brought me to Los Angeles California. There I became obsessed with pop culture, comics, music, and film. My interests broadened the older I got and my brain started collecting more and more useless information. <div><br>I seriously began to study art at Culver City High School, where I was a member of the Academy of Visual and Performing Arts, excelling in drawing, digital art, design, and creative writing. I was a part of many shows in conjunction with the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles where my creativity blossomed. </div><div><br></div><div>Later I attended Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design where for two semester I studied Illustrations and 2D Animation, unfortunately I am yet to complete my degree. Now, living in Denver CO, I organize one of the biggest drawing/writing groups in Denver, boasting over 40 active members Drink and Draw is a large part of the comics scene in Colorado. </div>