<div>Robert Dayton is a multidisciplinary writer, entertainer, and artist from British Columbia who resides for the moment in Toronto. His work has appeared in <em>Hunter and Cook</em>, <em>Carousel</em>, <em>The Toronto Onion</em>, <em>Roctober</em>, <em>Cinema Sewer</em>, <em>Paper Rodeo</em>, <em>Bananafish</em>,<em></em> as well as the book <span style="font-style:italic;">Lost In the Grooves</span> and numerous other places. He originally came from a zine background in the early 90s, wrote a weekly newspaper column of ephemera that soon bordered on experimental fiction and non-fiction, and was a co-creator of the short-lived but well loved newspaper The Drippy Gazette. He is known for being in such curious musical acts as <strong>Wet Dirt, Canned Hamm</strong> and <strong>July Fourth Toilet</strong>, as well as acting in the films <em>Male Fantasy</em>, <em>Ivory Tower</em>, and <em></em>various other sundry things.<span style="font-style: italic;"><br></span></div> Robert’s most recent project is his series of videos and performances as the persona of The Canadian Romantic, a melodramatic figure of faded glamour who tries to bridge and explore the gap between Canada and romance with somewhat dubious results. This has now resulted in a doll as well as an art book of pen-and-ink drawings and writings published by PITT studio/Publication Projects.<br>http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCanadianRomantic<br>