Hector Bolanos

Brighton, United Kingdom

It is always alright now :)

I am passionate about following my heart, wherever it may take me. This has led to live a fairly unconventional life and to many places around the world.<br> <br> Whilst I have always been a very active person in the world (ie. advisor to the Deputy Minister of Rural Development in Mexico, UK managing director of a multinational company and co-founder of an organic skin care brand), I've always been drawn to mysticism and the spiritual life, keen to experience the Truth for myself. I lived 2 1/2 years at a Zen Center in Southern California and I've had the great privilege to learn directly from several spiritual masters, including Thich Nhat Hanh, Barry Long, Byron Katie and various Zen teachers.<br> <br> As a way of bringing more mindfulness and presence into the workplace, in 2009, I launched Stillness Buddy (<a href="http://www.stillnessbuddy.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow nofollow">www.stillnessbuddy.com</a>), a software application that helps people to be more at peace, free from stress and aware of the present moment, while working at the computer.<br> <br> I am really pleased that this application is helping thousands of people around the world to be more relaxed, more present.<br><br> I am a big tennis fan and I usually play 3-4 times per week. I also enjoy dog training, improv comedy, and salsa dancing, even though I am not very good :-).

About Me
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