"Flectere si nequo superos, Acheronta movebo"
<p>Me:<br /> <span class="caps">AFI</span> Grad, writer-producer-director, owner, Lens Cap Productions. Author, “The Enslaved”.</p> <p>Loves: Sci Fi/Fantasy/Horror, her two sons, cooking, eating, libraries, museums, bookstores and movie theaters.</p> <p>Along with that, I have an intense passion for filmmaking. I just love the idea of being able to present to an audience, a story that will engage and entertain them-And of course, get them thinking.</p> <p>That being said, there’s absolutely nothing wrong however with allowing oneself the fun of just sitting in the dark and watching sh*t blow up for a couple of hours either.</p> <p>You:<br /> Well, see, that’s it, isn’t it? Fans come in no end of shapes, sizes, genders, species (some of my best friends are Klingon).</p> <p>As a filmmaker, I’m a storyteller. As a fan, you want someone to tell you a story.</p> <p>So, I guess, what I’m looking for ultimately, are just folks who are willing to give a listen to the stories that I have to tell and respond according to your own particulars.</p>