Giorgiana Lascu

Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Actress, Producer, Dynamo

<span data-jsid="text" class="commentBody"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Giorgiana Lascu</span>, commonly known as, Georgie--&nbsp; came to the United States at a young age declaring to her mother, “I'm not going back home until I'm a famous actress in Hollywood.” Since, she has perused acting, studying with Jessica Houde Morris at the Houde School of Acting, among may others, and has met some fantastic people along the way. <br> <br> Her career as a producer began in 2008, when a friend's entire cast didn't show up to shoot his final film project. Being extraordinarily bossy, she picked up the distressed film-maker's address book and started making calls. She has produced ever since and consequently has been thrust into various other roles. She's been everything from second assistant director to a stage manager to a music supervisor and it is these unique experiences that have given Giorgiana the resources to become a good producer. <br> <br> Giorgiana intends to continue producing and acting until she dies a peaceful timely death in her sleep.<br><br><br></span>

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