megan curet

Bronx, New York, United States

Campaigns I'm On

  • A year ago Megan Curet created her own ensemble project, Curet Performance Project, one year later, they go into their 2nd year and season and need your help!

Campaigns I've Funded

  • A year ago Megan Curet created her own ensemble project, Curet Performance Project, one year later, they go into their 2nd year and season and need your help!
  • A year ago Megan Curet created her own ensemble project, Curet Performance Project, one year later, they go into their 2nd year and season and need your help!
  • A year ago Megan Curet created her own ensemble project, Curet Performance Project, one year later, they go into their 2nd year and season and need your help!

Campaigns I'm Following