Art, Creativity, Culture & Consciousness
<h3><em>“The Arts are instruments for awakening higher consciousness in the individual and transmitting that consciousness into society.”</em> <br />Dana Lynne Andersen<br /><br /></h3> <p>The Academy was founded by international artist, writer, playwright and teacher Dana Lynne Andersen. With an undergraduate degree in philosophy and a Master’s degree in Consciousness Studies Dana has taught and exhibited on three continents for over three decades. Dana pioneered a unique ‘soul centered, spirit inspired’ approach called “Transformative Arts” that is now taught in a certification program. She has guided hundreds of people in a profound process of creative awakening. She has also served as Artist in Residence at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and has presented at numerous international conferences.</p> <p> </p> <h2>A Nexus of Art & Culture for the World</h2> <p>We are located in the historically rich province of Umbria, Italy- world famous for its priceless treasures of art, near Assisi, the international ‘city of peace’. Here in the birthplace of the Renaissance, The Academy of Art, Creativity & Consciousness is planting the seeds of a new global renaissance.. <br /><br />In service to the intrinsic healing power of creative process we offer classes, studio workshops, retreats, tours and special events that are open to all people regardless of talent, experience or ability. We offer a safe and nurturing environment for soul centered creative expression. <br /><br />In service to Art as a vessel of higher consciousness, we offer gallery exhibitions, artist retreats and residency programs, a small fine arts press, an online nexus, and other programs that serve the needs of an international network of ‘awakening artists’. Our exhibitions feature spiritual art that is sourced in higher consciousness and uplifts the consciousness of the viewer. </p>