For the love of bikes.
<p><strong id="internal-source-marker_0.8002337457146496"><span>I've lead an adventurous life and have had what seems to have lved several lives. Well traveled and well read, I have been a combat photographer, a carpenter, sports marketing, professional chef and a bike mechanic on more than one occasion. </span><br /><span>I took my first coaster brake apart when I was 5. Granted I had to have my mom help me put it back together, but it started a lifelong passion. I didn't start working at a bike shop until I was 26, but quickly learned the ropes. Within 4 years I was a demo rep for Gary Fisher and Lemond bikes.</span><br /><br /><span>After taking a break from bikes for several years, I found myself needing income. I had been laid off as a chef and catering was pretty slow when the economy tanked. Putting up my bike stand in the panhandle of Golden Gate Park on weekend proved to be a big hit. I helped everyone I could and set up appointments during the week. I solicited Craigslist for spare parts donations and was surprised to accumulate three truckloads of bikes and parts in as many weeks. This gave me a solid supply of small parts and a couple of frames to build up. Thus the mobile service was born. After a year of bringing my services to my customers, the space in Active Space came to my attention. Thus Treat Street Bicycle Works was born.</span></strong></p>