Julia Andersen

New York, New York, United States

Campaigns I'm On

  • Imagine you were forced to meet with your crazy neighbor! A dark comedy about getting acquainted with the beloved loonies of New York City.
  • Four college students go on a trip to an isolated country house when they realize that they are not alone.
  • A dark comedy about a very important and relevant topic these days; students and their financial situation.
  • A short film about a fitness instructor attempting to over coming his food phobia to win his girlfriend back by entering a food eating contest.

Campaigns I'm Following

  • A short film about a fitness instructor attempting to over coming his food phobia to win his girlfriend back by entering a food eating contest.
  • A dark comedy about a very important and relevant topic these days; students and their financial situation.
  • Four college students go on a trip to an isolated country house when they realize that they are not alone.
  • Imagine you were forced to meet with your crazy neighbor! A dark comedy about getting acquainted with the beloved loonies of New York City.