If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito! (or a rickshaw...)
<p>I am a rickshaw. These crazy people bought me in Jalalabad and brought me to Kabul and now all these kids keep tickling me with paint brushes. It's weird, but I think I like it. From what I can gather, these crazy people plan to drive me to Istanbul. I'm pretty sure I can make it but I hope they treat me well. I need oil regularly to keep my parts lubricated. I need TLC (I'm just a little old rickshaw, you see). But I think I'm going to like my new owners. They can do some pretty neat tricks with balls and these strange things shaped like coca cola bottles. They throw them in the air and catch them. Pretty cool. And the blond girl is HOT! She takes these other things, two balls on ropes, lights them on fire and spins them around in beautiful patterns. I think I'm in love...</p>