Indian Shores, Florida, United States

sharing women's stories through film and new media

<div class="column"> <div class="column"> <p><span><span>The&nbsp;</span><span>mosaic heart&nbsp;</span><span>in the [INSERT NAME] logo is your heart. It&rsquo;s fragments are the stories, lessons, and dreams that make you unique and irreplaceable. For us, at [INSERT NAME</span><span>] , it&rsquo;s also representative of our collective heart as we come together, align behind a vision and do our best to make this world a better place for women worldwide. We&rsquo;ve put our hearts and our names&nbsp;</span><span>between the brackets.&nbsp;</span><span>We have only so much time in this life. We choose, every day at [INSERT NAME], to make the most of it, use what&rsquo;s in our hands and work towards making all of our ambitions a reality.&nbsp;</span></span></p> <p><span>[INSERT NAME] is devoted to encouraging, enabling and empowering women to realize their full potential.&nbsp;</span>Female-centric stories represent only 30% of mainstream media--and when women&rsquo;s stories are told, it is often from a male point of view.</p> <p>[INSERT NAME] is creating a revolutionary new form and style of documentary that merges the worlds of two women: the inspired and her inspiration into one film. Visually stunning, artistically dynamic and historically accurate; we&rsquo;re creating films that engage our contemporary culture, are personally captivating and socially relevant.</p> </div> <p><span>We see a need. Parents across the globe encourage their children to pursue careers in medicine, finance, business etc- rarely do you hear of a daughter pushed into a career in the entertainment industry (outside of toddlers in tiaras). No one wants to see their daughter&rsquo;s face and body splayed across the magazines that line our streets, or touted in the news for her physical assets (and often only her physical assets). Pop culture, and the entertainment industry are not doing justice to women. And most unfortunately, they are just where the majority of young women are looking to find guidance and inspiration as they grow. </span></p> <p><span>We at [IN] believe that as we increase the quality and quantity of female centric success stories in the market we will see a shift in the entertainment and media industries representation of women, ultimately affecting women's own perceptions of themselves and their potential. Furthermore, providing them with the tools and connections to realize that potential through our network, we actually believe we can change the world.&nbsp;</span></p> </div>

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