Zombie women of satan low budget filmmaker film movie england uk north east newcastle sunderland
<p>Hi I'm Chris and I am a film producer, director and editor. I am working together with the creator and star of Zombie Women of Satan, Warren Speed, to bring the sequel to life. Together we are both bringing a wealth of experience in different areas of filmmaking and using that together to make Zombie Women of Satan 2.</p> <p>I love films and have done since I was little. I used to watch VHS cassettes over and over again until they were pretty much worn out. I never used to change the VHS tape in the dining room, so during evening meals we'd watch the same tape over and over. I always remember my sister asking if we could change it and put something else on, to which she received a swift reply "No".</p> <p>I love the whole movie experience and the ride it takes you on. I love going to the cinema and feeling part of a film. I remember when I was little I use to watch Shipwrecked, the Disney movie starring Gabriel Byrne and think how cool it'd be to be able to run around on a desert island. Obviously i've now come to realise that being stuck on a desert island would mean you're miles away from the nearest Nandos, but the point is that I loved how movies took you in and created a feeling inside you that you couldn't get anywhere else.</p> <p>I want to do the same for others, and make movies that people can enjoy, that they can become part of and that they will always remember.</p> <p>Growling Clown Entertainment are a movie production company based in the North East of England. Following the successful global release of Zombie Women of Satan, we are currently working on the sequel Zombie Women of Satan 2, which will shoot in summer 2012.</p> <p>The sequel will be produced by Warren Speed and Chris Greenwood</p>